Hello and welcome,
Thanks for popping in!
I live in a small coastal town in the south-west of Western Australia with my husband, two young adult children, two bunnies, four heritage chooks and a mini-herd of composting worms, alongside the local wildlife.
My love of nature began as far back as I can remember, exploring the Australian bush, learning about the local flora and fauna, caring for our animals and helping my Dad grow food for the family organically. In Years 11 & 12 I studied Agriculture where, alongside my classmates, I helped manage our school's farm. This gave me valuable insight into the day to day running of a working farm with practical 'hands on' experience.
My passion for nature and gardening continued to grow into adulthood with 30+ years experience now in organic gardening and the last 12 years practicing small-scale Permaculture. For 7 years I managed the Food Garden Program at our sons’ primary school. During this time I developed a Food Garden Program for the school, teaching students how to grow food organically and sustainably using permaculture principles.
I also began to learn more about soil health and its importance in producing high quality food with minimal damage from pests, as well as its potential to reduce carbon emissions. Composting became my new focus and I worked on perfecting our home composting systems. We made the decision to not allow any organic material to leave our home residence and garden. All organic material goes back into the system creating a closed loop. The only exception being any diseased or severely pest infected plant material.
In 2019, I began running small workshops locally to help educate others on how to grow their own food without chemicals, by working with Nature. I am particularly passionate about Backyard Composting, Soil Regeneration and Beneficial Insects and run workshops throughout the year, subject to public interest. Details of my workshops can be seen here.
I also have a passion for nature photography, shining a light on the little beings who work quietly behind the scenes, keeping our gardens in balance. To help create awareness, my nature images are available to purchase as greeting cards in my online shop. My images have been described as little ‘hellos’ from Nature, created through a mindful and intuitive process with Nature as my guide. I held my first exhibit in 2019 at The Quill Collective in Vasse. All my photography is filter free. Visit My Online Shop to see more.
Best wishes,
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I love to share my garden with others, so at the end of each month I'll send you an email with a link to My Garden Blog, sharing any garden happenings, nature photography and tips. I’ll also share new product releases & workshops, community connections and special giveaways.